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Collaborative projects

The management of collections relating to cinematographic and audiovisual heritage means being constantly on the lookout for new points of view, innovative instruments and new ideas to make them accessible. In this sense, the CAO carries out various national and international research projects in collaboration with several partners active in the field of heritage.

Ongoing project :
Workshops on the management of film and audiovisual archives in Africa. These workshops were created in 2021 by FESPACO in partnership with the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), the French CNC (National Center for Cinema and Moving Image) and the French Institute through the Cinémathèque d’ Africa in a dynamic of relaunching the activities of the African Cinematheque during the editions. These workshops aim to acquire skills adapted to the collections by the professionals in charge of their management so that African film libraries and archiving institutions better respond to their mission of conservation, documentation and enhancement.
audiovisual archives. They will be held from February 28 to March 02, 2023 on the sidelines of the 28th edition of FESPACO which will take place from February 25 to March 04, 2023. They are a logical continuation of those animated during the 2021 edition on the theme “the tomorrow’s audiovisual archivist: what training for professionals of film libraries and archiving institutions in Africa? “. Particular emphasis will be placed on sharing experiences relating to the treatment of specific film and non-film archival funds located on the African continent, followed by practical sessions.

Past projects:
  • Inventory and processing of the film and non-film archives of the African Cinematheque of Ouagadougou in collaboration in partnership with Archivistes sans frontières France and Burkina organized a training camp from September 19 to 30, 2022. The objective was to complete the inventory of the heritage cinematographic and audiovisual at its disposal. As a reminder, this inventory began on May 16, 2022 and is still in progress.
  • The students of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), the Regional Institute of Administration (IRA) of Bobo-Dioulasso, the Norbert Zongo University of KOUDOUGOU took part in this school-campus and archival students from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Paris-Saclay University in Versailles.
  • In total, twenty (20) students and professionals in archives headed by Professor Marc TRILLE, teacher in archives at the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) took part in this inventory work. Under the terms of the work:
  • 747 posters (films, festivals and others) were processed, documented, organized in an Excel database and arranged on shelves according to their codification.
    A considerable number of administrative archives belonging to several FESPACO departments have been processed and classified;
    All the films on film support (16mm and 35mm) were codified, labeled and stored, i.e. 548 films on 16mm support and 357 films on 35mm support.

Our movies :

The African Film Library of Ouagadougou